Is a private research and investigation agency with international know-how and experience level and standards.
Is headed by its founder Mr Samir Najdi degree in Private Investigations from the United States.
The innovation in terms of definitions and services,fundamentally make us different in our professional approach. Audit, requirements analysis, definition of survey design, training, are tools that allow us to innovate every day.
The investigation is also a question of law, legality and justice assistance.
Member of:
IWWA investigations worldwide association
MOROCCO DETECTIVES & INTELLIGENCE Agency : Spécialisée dans l’Investigations, l’intelligence économique, recherches privées et enquêtes opère sur tout le territoire marocain et à l’étranger et met au service des professionnels et des particuliers ses compétences et son expérience, dans les domaines de la recherche, de la vérification et de l'exploitation du renseignement, dans la réalisation d’investigations.